

Wayne State University Press, 2022, Made in Michigan Writers Series

* Midwest Book Award Gold Medal Winner
* IPPY (INdendent PUblisher Book Awards) Bronze Medal Winner
* Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist
* Eric Hoffer Book Award Finalist
* Heartland booksellers award finalist

The title, Psych Murders, appears vertically in large charcoal caps running up and down the page. In the center is a charcoal bipolar neuron with synapses. The nucleus is a black circle with an open mouth and chasm throat in red, perhaps screaming, with pointed white teeth like a shark. On top is the silhouette of a man with a fedora wielding a scythe at the neuron. Stephanie Heit is written in red ballpoint cursive on the lower left.

“a brilliant book of poetry-memoir-witness”

Anne Waldman,

“harrowing and brave; illuminating and haunting.”

Hoa Nguyen

“necessary and dangerous work…a stunning addition to the crip canon.”   

Meg Day

“a writer who does not look away from ‘so much unknown,’ inhabiting the ‘blur’ and ‘the beauty’ in equal measure.”

Bhanu Kapil

“these poems are lucidly crystalline songs of light; not the doctor’s interrogative glare but lanterns shining us home.”

Roxanna Bennett

“a devastating and exhilarating read!” 

Vidhu Aggarwal

The Color She Gave Gravity

The Operating System, 2017

“…a breathtaking (which is to say, life-giving) book that both stills and energizes by breaking and reforming the unseen bonds of DNA, language, geography, and history.”  

TC Tolbert

“…a deeply engaging articulation of the interplay between mental illness and the creative instinct, history and destiny, and limitation and willful boundary.”  

Airea D. Matthews

“These poems enact one of our most potent human gifts: our ability to find ourselves — tumbling, falling down, standing up — in proprioceptive relation to everything in our earthly realm.”

Eleni Sikelianos

“…a sonorous force field calling on tenderness, care, vigilance and abandon…imparting and dispelling the inexplicable along peripheries and in intimately centered frames of movement: gorgeously evocative and intensely realized capacious psychic flows.” 

Brenda Iijima

Work in Anthologies

Click on the anthology cover to take you to the publisher’s page.

close-up of a purple echinacea flower with a bright orange center with the letters in caps QDA: Queer Disability Anthology
orange cover with text "We are not your metaphor: a disability poetry anthology" with picture of an orange cube and "Zoeglossia Fellows"
Text "The Ending Hasn't Happened Yet" with mauve cover and image of various profiles of a face
Text "Geopoetics in Practice" image of two people making a circle imprint on sand on a beach with rocks in foreground
Title “haunted” curved claws and lower half of body of a bird that appears dead with blurred background of fall leaves in oranges. Cover art by Jessica Furtado.
Writing the Self-Elegy: The Past is not Disappearing Ink, edited by Kara Dorris, image of a person in a dress on a highway holding a mirror that repeats going backwards.